The bash curl command has nothing to do with Canadian Curling, which is like shuffleboard on ice amidst the tension garnered tolerating a joke about the Queen or the national health care system from a surfboard riding processed cheese eating upper Mexican from south of the barbarian line. In bash, curl is short for client url, a simple http request of a web address.
In Python
x = urllib2.urlopen("")
w =
print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”; my $dbh = DBI->connect(’dbi:mysql:database=DATABASE_NAME;host=localhost’, ‘USERNAME’, ‘PASSWORD’) or die “Couldn’t connect to database: ” . DBI->errstr;
my ( $k, $id, $book_date, $svc_type, $cust_id, $time_pref, $a_sched,$a_eight); my $t_date=”20080115″;
Places uses different heuristics from organic search results pages and say that inclusion in Google Places is not influenced by your Google advertising budget.
Whether you are creating your listing or engaging in Google Places Listing Optimization, we need to take advantage of as many features as possible without abusing any areas and thus risking a lengthy period of invisibility on the Google search results pages. Remember that Google is not a consulting firm, does not charge for your local listing, and like the IRS, relies on you to either hire a CPA or figure it out, preferably a little of both. Google Places uses different heuristics from organic search results pages and say that inclusion in Google Places is not influenced by your Google advertising budget. There are a lot of lies and hype about Google Places, partly because of Google’s lack of support but also greatly due to the ignorance and naivety of business owners when it comes to understanding search engine results.
Business Name: Use precisely your legal business name, or risk a penalty.
Do Not stuff keywords or geographic terms here.
Categories: Use all five categories to not just tell consumers what you do, but to influence search results.You must use the first category for a Google approved category.
Images & Video: Load 10 images and at least 1-3 videos to ensure the listing is 100% complete. See our section on Youtube optimization.
Citations. These are like links, but they don’t require a hyperlink with the url as much as they depend on the exact same business name and phone number, possibly address for things like, citysearch or angieslist.
Have your business address prominent on your web-site, and enter the URL on your Google Places listing.
The last practice is a real problem for small business, many of which are run out of our homes. But once we grow to open an office location, use this key to maximize results. Reviews also help, as well as people searching for your exact business name and town, and even asking directions. All these activities are recorded by google and make your listing more important.
Both are arrays, but tuples are immutable. This means that once you define a tuple, you cannot add elements, pop, append, remove an element, etc. You need to create a new tuple out of the old one every time you make a change.
Tuples (1,2,3,4,5,6) are great for static definition. They are hashable, lean and unequivocal.
Lists [1,2,3,4,5,6] are great for computation. They are mutable and queueable.
Both are addressed with integers in brackets.
Whether it is a list or a tuple, addressing one element is the same.
create a tuple with y = (“a”,”b”,”c”) and do this;
y = ("a","b","c")
print (y[0])
for i in y:
print (i)
For lists and tuples, know this too;
for i in range(0,len(y)):
print (i,y,y[i])
Now redefine y as a list and try it again. Same results?
Modern web design can be a waste of money because the most attractive web-site on the internet will generate very little interest in your products or services if no one can find it. Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo are used by people to locate products and services on the internet. This includes finding companies all over the world and in your neighborhood. Search engine optimization services (SEO) and internet marketing strategies must be used to gain quality visitors through search engines.
No other Atlanta company can compete with the knowledge depth at Web Atlanta for search engine optimization. While we provide PPC services to boost traffic of qualified prospects our internet marketing strategies, campaigns, and optimization work can give companies an organic presence two to three times greater than their size. Our services concentrate on the major aspects influencing the searches of qualified prospects and our keyword research is done at a level of transparency and interaction that every other competitor fails to provide. When we partner on your brand name you will learn how truly rote is this process others seek to represent as some sort of magic elixir.
Local Search is a mysterious area where our partner format of SEO empowers our clients. We stress the importance of not only domain ownership but of claiming and verifying local listings. Divergence and convergence of search results are not well understood, but superbly anticipated by our unsurpassed computer science oriented staff. Google and Yahoo are convinced that customers will increasingly use Local Search to find products and services in their local area. We excel at making sure local listings achieve rankings because local search has long ago surpassed use of the Yellow Pages to find businesses. Our expertise at web-site content analysis means our customers are prominently displayed in the Local Search components of Bing, Google and Yahoo.
The major search result providers use factors to determine rankings related to the importance and relevance of a site and its importance to other sites and publications on the internet. Effective methods of promoting a web-site organically include blogs, press releases, classified ads, directories, twittering and social bookmarking,
The fastest way to generate visitors from the search engines is to implement a Pay Per Click campaign. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo offer paid advertisements that appear on search results pages and on their respective partner sites. Advertisers pay Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo every time a visitor clicks on the ad and visits the advertiser’s web site. The amount the advertiser pays the search engines depends on the amount the advertiser bids on a keyword. Very little optimization of a web site is necessary to begin a Pay Per Click campaign and drive relevant traffic to a web site. The bids for competitive keywords can get expensive. We have the expertise to create effective advertisements, minimize the cost, and maximize the benefits from Pay Per Click campaigns.
We stress the importance of not only domain ownership but of claiming and verifying local listings.
We see businesses with websites that are rarely found and never through an internet search. Business managers search for information as to how they can make their site more visible and often respond to the promises of lead generator companies that disguise themselves as SEO companies. One firm we know of sets up listings of the above type with a tracking phone number, for a small monthly fee. This is really a bad idea, although it is very popular with managers seeking a quick fix.
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning. An integrated set of software applications to manage materials, inventory levels, supplier demand, capacity, product structure, bills of labor as well as being integrated with a accounting system capable of billing, order backlog, receivables and payables.
CRM – Customer Relationship Planning. A sales force and customer service tool to manage prospects, leads, customer complaints and follow up, conversion and retention. Sometimes integrated with a phone system, customer account and call center functions may fall under the broad umbrella of a CRM solution.
Erp Packages
CRM Packages
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Invest in control first, then equipment
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Don’t wait to implement ERP. Gain hold of the production planning process to optimize bookings against capacity. Collaborate on orders and dispatching. Daily data backups are sent automatically across the country between datacenters to provide the highest level of disaster recovery. Data and functions are secured by passwords, users have access to modules according to rights granted by the administrator, and each user’s account requires login with an encrypted password. WRbil has million dollar ERP features, for costs similar to the support costs you would pay for most proprietary based systems.
The internet is relatively new compared to computing for business. Mainframes penetrated the accounting departments of business in the 1960’s and 1970’s, minicomputers prevailed in the 1980’s, and the desktop PC and the network became the standard in the 1990’s. But by 2000, the internet started coming on-line almost everywhere. Still ERP applications seem to require the use of a network server, similar to the use of minicomputers and mainframes in the past.